and these are
my applications
In this section I share with you some examples among many applications of machine learning that I have realized. The possibilities are vast and depend on the data available as well as the specific needs of each domain.

1- Medical diagnosis: Machine learning can be used to help diagnose diseases, predict treatment results or detect anomalies in medical images, genetic data, etc.
2- Product Recommendation: Machine learning algorithms can be used to recommend products or content to users based on their preferences or past behavior. This is commonly used in recommendation systems on e-commerce websites, music or video streaming platforms, etc.
3- Natural Language Processing: Machine learning can be used to analyze and understand human language, enabling applications such as automatic translation, text generation, sentiment analysis, speech recognition, etc.
4- Data Forecasting and Analysis: Machine learning models can be used to predict future outcomes or analyze trends from historical data. This can be applied to domains like sales forecasting, financial analysis, customer behavior prediction, etc.
5- Image Classification: Machine learning can be used to classify and identify images in various areas such as facial recognition, object detection, computer vision, etc.
published pplications
Projects to be published soon
8-Website Blocker
9-Spam Comments Detection
10-Cartoonify Image with Machine Learning
11-Bitcoin Price Predictor Project
12-Ukraine vs Russia Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Publication pending
13-Credit Card Clustering
14-Speed Typing Test
15-YouTube Video Downloader
16-Clustering Music Genres